( Via ) Jeremy Clarkson takes on that most sacred of cows: Boris Johnson will be branded a Covid serial killer but no one will lay a glove on our bloated NHS . RTWH I particularly liked this part: 'You can already sense the hyenas of the left, circling and gurgling, aroused by the bloodbath to come. For months now we’ve been listening to their questions in press conferences, and they’re not really questions at all. “Do you accept, prime minister, that you are now responsible, personally, for the deaths of 125,000 people and that as a result, you are Britain’s biggest ever serial killer?”' It's true how the left, in particular, blames cock-ups on the hapless ministers rather than those lower down the chain, and how they always characterize the right as being malevolent. Is pretty common in media to see the right portrayed as downright evil, rather than having come to a different conclusion to the left as to how to deal with a particular issue. Lots of other good points, th...