Quick links 14

Another week nearly over. As its been the school holidays but I've still not been able to go anywhere I've done a lot of reading this week 

What indeed? Britain’s vaccine success was supposed to lead to freedom. What happened?

Also from the Speccie, on China- Why fear a society that’s tearing itself apart?

It's funny; 10 years ago I didn't think it would be possible to be a worse PM than Gordon Brown, but Cameron (and May) suceeded-The hypocrisy of David Cameron. As note4d in the article, part of the problem is the lack of options for ex-politicians. Maybe a better idea would be a minimum age to stand for election, of say 45? That wy not only would they have more real-world experience but once gone they could just retire. 

Also from Unherd- How the Left gave up on freedom. I'd suggest that the progressive left never really believed in it.

I'm glad I'm not a fan of American comics, they seem to have embraced the woke agenda pretty hard. Case in point-Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Captain America Comic Suggests Jordan Peterson Is Worse Than Hitler

True: 'Wokists themselves combine the lunatic loyalty of the Manson family with the hollow pseudo-joy of Jonestown residents, the racism of National Socialists, the inhumanity of Mao Tse-Tung, the bratty tantrums of Veruca Salt, the nihilism of Bakunin-style anarchists, the totalitarianism of Stalin's Soviet Union, the child torture and sacrifice of the Mayans, the derangement of Heaven's Gate followers, the sadistic violence of the Jacobins, and the ruthless control-freakism of the current Chinese Communist Party' Mark Steyn, as usual, makes many god pints her-  We Have Met the Enemy. RTWT

THE FACE OF EVIL. Plus, more on The perversions of M. Foucault. As I've said before, he, Marx, and Gramsci need to be damned as the architects of our ruin, their legacies demolished and their works buried as a historical footnote.

We're definitely in the Crazy years- Libertarian sci-fi author predicted current progressive-induced cultural failures over 60 years ago. I've long been fond of Heinlein, in particular, his ideas of citizenship as a way out of our current malaise. 

Another 'Question to which the answer is no'- Are museums racist? We have discussed the Benin Bronzes in my art history course, and Sargon was talking about the Kingdom's role in the slave trade in a recent podcast.

I'm not sure how they think this will be to their benefit, but their actions are consistent with this being the desired outcome: America’s elites want a racial apocalypse Related, Coke's anti-white 'diversity training- Coca-Cola’s racist policies that discriminate against whites. As Bob says 'that is what Coke now stands for, a bigoted society that treats whites as second class citizens'. All the race-baiters need to remember there are still (for now) minorities and won't do well in an actual race war

What we need is a counter-reformation: The Coalition of the Un-Woke. Excerpt: Thus has the woke ideology completed, a la the Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci, its long march through the institutions. And let's not mince words: This is Marxism. As Israeli political theorist Yoram Hazony carefully outlined in a Quillette essay last August, "The new Marxists do not use the technical jargon that was devised by 19th-century Communists," but "their politics are based on Marx's framework for critiquing liberalism."

And finally, a good meme via Instapundit:


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