Quick links 13

Easter break started on Friday, though I've still been doing online lessons yesterday and today. Plus I came down with a cold towards the end of the week so have been taking it easy. That said, let's get on with this week's roundup.

Faster please: Wild Technological Leaps by the 2030s Also in space news- another question to which the answer is yes- Will Senator “Ballast” Drag NASA Down?

Why some people love the pandemic:'The hardworking people who built America and made it safe, secure, and prosperous, also made it, in some ways, empty.' To put it another way, security and comfort leads to boredom and restlessness. Or as the phrase goes-

'Bad times make strong men. Strong men maker good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make bad times'

If You Want to Make It As a Writer, For God's Sakes, Be Weird 'But that also means that there has never been more words vying for the attention of a public that also has more and more not-words to pay attention to. So you have to be different. You have to be weird'. Good advice.  

Why the Race Equalities Report is so subversive- it shows the race grifters for what they are

True: 'The Chinese understand strategy far better than most in the West, because strategy is a long-term business, requiring decisions that may not be reached for many years. With our rotating governments, short-term appointments for officials, and increasingly, the denial of our responsibilities resulting from historic relationships, we ignore anything that cannot be realised within the term of a single government.' - We must halt China’s creeping conquest. Also on China, this explains a lot: China Weaponizes Social Justice Warriors and Black Lives Matter In Covert War Against the U.S. Seems they are finished off the undermining the USSR began. Some are beginning to get it- Xi Jinping turned me into a China hawk

The right needs to realize it's not the '80's anymore and big business is not on our side anymore: The Long March Through the Corporations The book mentioned sounds interesting.

Rule 1 of economics- Incentives matter- How taxes turned margarine pink, made ships sink, and more strange results (rule 2-  There ain't no such thing as a free lunch)

Another reason to damn Foucault, sadly I doubt this will end his ingluence- Michel Foucault and the Glamour of Evil

Questions we can answer- Why Can't the Woke Trans Agenda Leave 'Star Wars' Alone?! Because they can only destroy, never create.

Why new facts often don’t matter once a belief system has been established. Related video- Feelings Don't Care About Your Facts: Post-Truth America

Cartoon of the week (source):

And finally, not far off from reality yet- Arkansas Passes Controversial Bill To Ban Chopping Off Kids' Legs If They Think They're A Mermaid


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