Quick links 15

I had a bit more time for his week roundup, hence more quotes and comments. 'Scientists building lucrative careers on a foundation of dodgy research, while the people that clean up their mess — the fraud-busters and data sleuths — go largely unsung'. - Never trust a scientist . Good advice DoesJordan Peterson believe in God? I find that I flit between Agnosticism and Gnosticism. Douglas Murray asks Will Europe survive another migrant crisis? I suspect not Another thing that will doom the West: What will Net Zero cost? I predict a lot more originally claimed. Probably true: How Illegal Immigrants Are Intended To Be Perpetual Source Of Underclass Definitely true: Ministers should take the fight to Extinction Rebellion – and not just by stopping their protests . I suspect Queen Nut-nut is the reason Boris won't. I'm shocked, shocked- Another Cost-Benefit Analysis Finds That Lockdowns Weren’t Worth It Yeap: It’s time to stone...