Quick links 33

A day late this week, for reasons to be explained later. A very heavy US focus this week, for obvious reasons.

China: What China Wants and Why 

USA: The Vanishing Legacy of Barack Obama

Immigration: How Illegal Immigrants Are Intended To Be Perpetual Source Of Underclass


Byron York's Daily Memo: Humiliation in Afghanistan

This is worse than Saigon

Still Don't Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President?

On Point: Biden's Afghanistan Disaster Didn't Have To Happen

A cause: Western decline:

Farewell to Bourgeois Kings

The West has lost its virtue

Another contributing factor to the West's fall- Fifty Years Without Gold

Also related: The History of the Decline and Fall of Conservatism

Dominic cummings links all these together, along with systemic issues in government, in his usual way:  Afghanistan SNAFU (situation normal all fucked up): 'normal' politics,'normal' results

An escape route? Getting Ready for the End of the World

related, closing the gate? The knives aimed at SpaceX are getting sharpened

Hope for the future? Toward An American Revivalism

Video: Right-Wing Bad, Left-Wing Good, Simple as.

And finally, The Week in pictures: Kabul Cabal Edition


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