Quick links 43

I've been preoccupied with personal matters for most of this week, and next week will be off to Barcelona so there will be no Quick links next Sunday. Glenn Reynolds has Thoughts on our ruling class monoculture . Also at Instapundit: Whose Stuff is it anyway ? Back when we had CD players and VCRs, we could use them until they broke down, but our relationship with the company effectively ended on the day of the sale. Now that devices require an internet connection and software services, you are shackled to their makers, whether or not you pay for a monthly subscription. This is why I still buy physical copies of media Asking the important questions: Why Can't Grocery Store Checkout Be Normal Anymore? Another cause of declining birthrates: Most young men are single. Most young women are not. ' Women don’t need to be in long-term relationships. They don’t need to be married. They’d rather go to brunch with friends than have a horrible date'. Relat...