Quote of the day 17

From RedState: Chelsea Handler Makes 'Comedy' Skit About the Life of a Childless Woman but It Reeks of Sadness

She has no permanence in her life, including her love life which seems to involve emotionless physical contact and a vibrating machine. By the time she becomes too old for any of that, her weightless existence will become the heaviest thing she has to bear as her loveless life of selfish decisions results in no one being there for her that truly has any attachment.She’ll sit in a room alone wishing someone would come through the door and no one will except attendants and assistants who are only there because they’re paid to be.

Meanwhile, the mom she mocked for not having her life will be surrounded by her children and grandchildren.

Indeed, the older I get the more lonely I feel and regret never having found a wife or having children. The final line also rings very true: 

This life that feminism has told women for decades is full of fulfillment and wonder is an absolute lie,

I do wonder if the pushing of this feminist message, along with promoting non-traditional lifestyles, LGBT++, etc is linked with the environmentalist drive to reduce populations, that these ideas all went mainstream after the population bomb and Club of Rome reports. 

Updated: Scott Lowther has similar thoughts, and Matt Walsh speaks the truth on this matter:


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