On the state of the media: theatre edition

Spotted this story on my FB feed this evening:

As the post mentions, according to modern standards 'the idea that only men are suitable for this role is outdated and even discriminatory'

Coincidentally, yesterday I saw this via a comment on David Thompson's blog: 1776 The Musical. I have to ponder the contradiction, that an all-male cast is discriminatory, but an all-female one is stunning and brave. Then there is the fact that this play is based on real (white) men, and distorts historical facts by portraying them as women of various races.

As we have seen time and again, the hypocrisy here is staggering, anything anti-male is fine but anti-female is hatefully misogyny. This is not equality, but overcompensation for the sins of the past by going too far in the opposite direction.


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