on the end of summer and a visit to Waterloo
Today was the last day of the summer holidays. The past few weeks have been busy preparing for results days, and then ensuring everything is ready for the start of the new school year.
I went to Brussels for the bank holiday weekend last week, primarily to visit Waterloo and its battlefield:
The Lion Mount and Panorama on the battlefield.
The Hougoumont Farm
Memorial at the farmhouse
Napoleon's last headquarters
And Wellington's HQ (now the museum)
I also went to Liege for a day, while there I was wandering around a park on Sunday afternoon and came across a group of ‘puppy players‘. It definitely, IMO, comes under the category of ‘do what you want in the privacy of your bedroom, but don’t frighten the horses.' Liege was pretty, with an impressive station,
and a very old school aquarium.
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