Travels update

School broke up last Tuesday, and on Wednesday I went to Belgrade for 4 nights. This was my third trip this year (in Feb I went to Malta and in April China and Japan), bringing my total number of countries visited up to 44. My aim is 50 by 50 so am on track for that, after getting behind during the pandemic.

Belgrade was very hot, an interesting mix of old and new. One thing I hadn't known before was that it was right on the border with Hungary before WW1 (the Sava and Danube rivers were the boundaries), and there is a suburb on the west bank called Vemun that was a Hungarian town. I spent my time there mainly in the old town, visiting various museums, churches, and galleries. I also did an evening boat trip on the rivers and went to the cinema to see Deadpool and Wolverine.

Coming up I'm going to Brussels on the August Bank Holiday weekend, in October will be visiting Glasgow and Belfast, while next Feb will be going to Cape Town and the Garden route in South Africa. 


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