On the results of yesterday's election

F*ck Starmer,

F*ck Labour, 

F*ck everyone who voted for them.

(exhales) Now I've got that off my chest, let us reflect.

The Conservatives deserved to lose

Labour didn't deserve to win. 

I'm used to being disappointed with elections, but this one was a new low. I'd hoped Reform would come second in % of votes and  10-20 seats. I wanted the useless fake Tories reduced to below 100  and was annoyed the watermelons (Greens) got 4. The SNP wipeout was a plus, but the Islamist independents are a worry. Turnout was low, as I'd expected apathy was a big winner. 

In the end I voted Reform. I saw my local (now ex-) Tory MP at a school event last week. I was helping run the BBQ at our summer fair and he bought a hot dog. We chatted for a bit then he suddenly said 'I'm REDACTED, by the way' as if annoyed that I hadn't recognized him. I asked if he was confident about the result and he replied not really, and blamed 'Reform voting idiots' for his impending loss. This removed my slight chance of voting for him.

So what now? While I've been taking a break, I've been thinking a lot about the long-term survival of Western Civilisation and coming to the conclusion that a cultural counter-revolution is needed to reverse the left's long march through the institutions. I've a few ideas on what this might involve and the structures and organisations that are needed to build a popular movement. This needs to be above politics (though it may shape it) and answer the big questions that we don't have answers to: what is our purpose? How do we find meaning? This may or may not have a religious component, the West definitely needs something higher. Thoughts on this may follow over the next few weeks.

And now I need a drink.


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