Quick links 45
Yesterday I went to Chartwell (Lottery open week again) and tonight I am going to the Barbican to see Things to Come with a live soundtrack performance by the LSO, so here is this week's links roundup a little earlier.
Not so much tiny as dissolved in s sea of dementia: Joe Biden, Milton Friedman, and the Tyranny of Tiny Minds
More evidence that being left-wing is bad for your mental health: An interesting review of the 'well-being gap' between liberals and conservatives
Should be but isn't in the current climate: It Should Be Safe to be Unpopular
Equality of outcome is nonsense and its pursuit a big cause of our current ruination: Equity of the Hundred Thousand Dollar Egg
(False) Prophet honored another sign of our lack of seriousness: Yes, Leftism Is a Religion: University Gives Greta Thunberg an Honorary Doctorate in Theology. Related, your new icon:
More crazy race baiting: Whites Who Drink Coffee Are Racists
Another country that screwed its young people: India's lost lockdown generation
On Flashman novels: A jolly good scoundrel
Lockdowns, CRT, feminism and Environmentalism have a lot to answer for: Mental health an anatomy of a very British crisis
As I've said before: break it up and devolve responsibility to the boroughs: As Baroness Casey's report makes-clear the Met needs much more than mere reform (disagree with the suggestion that more DIE is needed though)
Links with quotes I pulled out earlier this week for separate posts, but never got around to:
The last thing we need ismore TV adaptations of Dickens
'Colourblind casting in period drama is only fair. The slight artistic awkwardness comes because our culture simultaneously treats skin colour like hair and eye colour and as the most important thing about a person'
'Actor Ashley Thomas (aka rapper Bashy) who plays Mr Jaggers – the highly successful Victorian lawyer – tells the Telegraph there were 15,000 black people living in London by 1760. Fair enough. The trouble comes when we are expected to believe that the country was full of perfectly integrated, thriving people of colour and was also – at the very same time – a hotbed of virulent racism and colonialism'
As a recent convert, this struck a chord: The BBC's philistine attitude to classic music betrays more than mere ignorance
'Like literature, classical music is also seen as part of the wider classical tradition which represents Western colonisation and dominance. Breaking that dominance requires breaking that tradition
'they are, as a rule, incapable of seeing classical music – and the Western canon itself – through any eyes other than this post-Modern assault on our heritage and our culture. They are prisoners of what they believe to be their superior critical skills but which are, in reality, the very opposite. In their determination to be relevant, modern and aware, they are destructive of that which they do not understand'
Legacy of the 2008 crash: The high price of low interest rates
'Paltry interest rates haven’t only been profoundly unjust – making a mockery of prudence, frugality and the old-fashioned habit of paying for stuff with money you’ve already made, while encouraging recklessness, profligacy and the terribly modern habit of buying stuff with money you may never earn'
'Add the crowning idiocy – the double-stupid of the lockdowns themselves and the pandemic fire-hosing of made-up free cash on the populace – and inflation finally hit the high street. Not only central bankers but anyone with an iota of economic literacy could have predicted today’s raging worldwide inflation beforehand (and some did)'
Finally, memes:
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