Quick links 44
Mothers day consumed most of the weekend, along with a trip to Sudbury to visit Gainsborough's house (free enter this weekend with a lottery ticket, which won me £2!)
Uncategorized links: A collapsing tent
An interview with Lionel Shriver. Quote: 'furthermore, the ideology, which began in the universities, is still being promoted in universities. At places like UnHerd, we may feel we’re winning the argument because the essays are so good but that doesn’t mean that they’re teaching UnHerd essays in university, as they should do. I’m afraid that none of the people who need to be persuaded are reading this stuff. It’s a very atomised media situation.'
How to woke work: Its not happening and that's why its good and The overuse and abuse of ‘fascism’
Answers on a postcard: What are rhe Conservatives for? Excerpt: 'Getting these people into work would undoubtedly be great for our GDP. But whilst work may be good for the soul, do Conservatives see it as more important than family life? These measures do not help those mothers – or fathers – who might want to stay at home and raise their children while their other half works. Nor do they help those households where both parents work, or when one parent earns more than £99,999, since they now find themselves even more out of pocket.' Related- none of the current parties: Who will offer a vision for national renewal?
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