On a changing Japan
As another former expat in Japan, I found this an interesting read: Actually, Japan has changed a lot
I'd disagree though that more immigration is what Japan needs, instead they (like the West) should focus on pro-natalist policies.
Also, the part about house devaluation is only partially correct, as I understood it the land retains its value. Houses are very much lightweight structures not designed to last forever, and typically the purchaser of a plot will demolish the existing house and put up what they want (there was a house 'showroom' near where I lived in Yokohama, and the house I lived in was unusual in that it was pretty old, the landlord was basically sweating it until it was no longer livable, then planning to replace it.
Update: related in the Spectator: Is Japan doomed? The corporate culture mentioned is def a problem, but at least they acknowledge the problem and are trying to do something apart from open the doors to mass imigration.
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