Quick links 36
This week's roundup commences with the 9/11 20th anniversary. I was a few weeks from starting my final year at university, and on the day was working at the Dartford Bridge Hilton. Here are a few good pieces on the topic:
What we have learned twenty years after 9/11
What if we had fought World War ii the way we've fought Jihadis
20 Years After 9/11: Remembering the Left’s Unhinged Reaction
Other topics that caught my eye this week:
'The Tories now pour cash into the ‘monopolistic’ NHS and plan to take taxes to the highest level in British peacetime history. Higher than Attlee, Healey, Brown or Blair ever dared. Yes, the pandemic was expensive. But at every stage in that pandemic, the Tories have reached for the most expensive solution.' Assetocracy: the inversion of the welfare state
'They like to boast they’re guided by evidence and reason — after all, ‘following the science’ is another high-status indicator. But we know these liberal muckety-mucks aren’t really interested in the views of scientists, because where elite opinion parts company with mainstream scientific orthodoxy — the notion that vaccinating healthy teens isn’t very sensible, for instance — they’re happy to follow a different group of experts.' The stories that are too good to check
Buyer's remorse? Yes, Biden blew it
'A more mature society, with a more responsible media and more sensible politicians, would address matters more rationally and less tribally. We do not live in such a society.' Masks are here to stay as long as libs need to shame their political enemies.
The ratchet effect: There’s A Reason DC Democrats Are Always Winning, Even When They Lose
Science And Politics Belong Apart. At its core, skepticism is essential to scientific advancement. We learn because we question. When we’re no longer allowed to question, advancement stops. It doesn’t get any more simple. Related, How the Pandemic Is Changing the Norms of Science
Are we already living in a ‘Cyberpunk Dystopia’? This thread argues we are and it’s ‘not certain the world we knew is coming back’ That last image is particularly disturbing
The Conservative Party must go! As I've said before, Reform, Reclaim, Heritage, etc need to merge to form a viable alternative. Related, The fish rots from the head
Unsurprising: NASA’s bad management of infrastructure projects routinely leads to cost overruns and delays This is the case for all large government projects in the west
The left doesnt just want to censure you on social media they also want to close your bank accounts
Here's hoping: China is in decline
Will the Amish take over America? it might be an improvement...
It's all Bullsh*t and we're F*cked Indeed
Book review: The moral of Caesar
And finally, the week in pictures; long strange trip edition
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