Quick links 18

Another busy week, another roundup of links with minimal commentary. Enjoy this week's reading!

The Man They Couldn’t Cancel

Springtime For Spengler

Operation Fortis: The importance of sustainability

The Origins of the Cruel Ritual of Diversity Training

Why Our Current Approach To Work Is Unsustainable

Purging Whiteness to Purge Capitalism

How Do We Reopen the Intellectual Frontier?

What is unionism for?

Broken eggs, no omelette

The hypocrisy of The Northern Ireland Office

France Stands at Crossroads, as Members of Military Demand Action. Related, Twilight in Paris

The Covid-19 Emergency Did Not Justify Lockdowns

Hartlepool and the theft of the Labour party

And finally, In New Cut Of Empire Strikes Back, Vader Will Now Say 'I Am Your Non-Birthing Person!'


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