On life choices for women

I've posted a lot recently on demographics because I consider it to be one o the most important issues of our time that is rarely commented on by the media in this country, plus as Mark Steyn often says 'The future belongs to those who show up'. I have come to the conclusion that feminism, especially the third and fourth wave varieties, has played a large part in the declining birthrate in developed countries. Case in point, this article: Baby Bust

When a graduate student in a committed relationship asked me for advice about sequencing marriage, children, and career. I gave the advice I always give. “Marry him. Start your family, and keep doing good work, professional or otherwise, monetized or otherwise, when it makes sense for your family.”

The student was flummoxed. “But what about graduate school?” she asked. My advice was the same. She protested. “But what if I get married, have a baby, and it is too hard to work at the same time? To travel?”

This student has been fed the lie that women can have it all despite the biological realities of female fertility. 

It does cause one to wonder: how many women grew up bombarded with the message that they must break those glass ceilings to “reach their potential” only to end up suffering through marriage to men who do not value their miraculous uniquely feminine ability to sustain the lives of and cultivate the character of their own children?

Short answer: what we are seeing now. 

Related, Why the West isn't having Children and Why Elite Men are having all the Fun


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