On being 1/5th right

 Looks like I called 1 out 5 correctly: Royal Navy formally announces the names of the ‘inspiration class’ Type 31 frigates

I'll admit that when I saw that headline I did worry we were going to get some feeble woke names, maybe HM ships Inspiration, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Solidarity, but thankfully we got some historic ones: 

According to the RN, names have selected to represent key themes around future missions. Forward deployment of ships around the globe to protect UK interests – HMS Active. Operations in the North Atlantic – HMS Bulldog. The Future Commando Force – HMS Campbeltown. Aircraft carrier operations – HMS Formidable. Technology and innovation – HMS Venturer.

Not bad, although I'd have preferred a common theme or first letter scheme. I guess the fleet is going to be of a size that these themes won't be worthwhile so they are just going to use whatever they fancy. Now we just need to get them built and into service.


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