Quick links 12
This week was just as busy as the previous, with the added complication of a job interview in London on Tuesday morning. I drove there as I had to go straight to work afterwards (luckily it was outside the congestion charge zone). Was a tiring day- I left home at 6:10am and arrived at about 7:50! At least this week I only have one evening lecture and schools finish on Thursday. Anywhere, here's this week's items that caught my interest:
There are no limits to the culture wars: Sesame Street Forgets Own History To Be Woke
It's starting to resemble Weekend at Bernies: There is no Biden Administration
Good advice: How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder. Also from the NY Post, The woke takeover of US foreign policy spells doom for trans-Atlantic alliance. Whe even the French are hitting back you no its getting bad.
If it triumphs, the result will be the West's suicide: Is The Left On The Cusp Of Permanent Triumph, Or Is It Committing Suicide?
Cool: This drone will refuel Naval fighter jets by 2024
'Everard's death had nothing to do with the patriarchy or gender inequalities. It was the result of her being in the wrong place at the wrong time when a human predator decided the time had come to commit assault and murder. True- We must relearn a culture of mutual respect following the death of Sarah Everard. We must also stop letting activists exploit tragedies for their own purposes.
Tim Worstall links to this article- Reproduction without pregnancy: would it really emancipate women? As I commented there, If this technology proves viable I wouldn’t have any problem with reclassifying removing a fetus and killing it as murder. Don’t want it? Then sign it over and have it removed to an artificial womb, after which it can be put up for adoption or raised in an orphanage.
Just about, for now: Is the United Kingdom still one nation? Devolution has definitely weakened the UK but the growth of the Abolish the Welsh Assembly party is a good sign. The pandemic hasn't helped though, as each gov has tried to outdo the others. I'd suggest when this is all over restoring these powers to Westminster for future events.
And finally, woke breaking points
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