On fixing Star Trek into Darkness
I happened to notice this film was on tv Saturday night. I haven't seen it since it came out and started watching to see if my initial impression of it was correct- that it starts off ok (but with some flaws), but all goes south from the point when it's revealed that Benedict Cummerbund's character was KHAAAN!
The problems with this film have been pointed out many times already, but I got thinking: how could this film be fixed?
To start with, I'd have to go back to Star Trek (2009), which I still find enjoyable despite the poor sequels. I liked how they used time travel to make a new timeline, thereby allowing the original canon to exist, and it was a good idea how the death of Kirks' dad and absence from his life has changed his personality. (I really like the opening sequence and still find it powerful)
For me, the biggest mistake was trying to set up the classic series in one go, it's ridiculous how Kirk gets promoted from cadet to captain at the end, and they didn't need to have the entire crew present given the age range of the characters. At the least, I've leave out Chekov and reference the pilot episode of TTOS by having a female 'Number One' who is killed early on, leading to Pike making Kirk acting first officer. I'd then end the film with Kirk graduating and promoted to first officer on a provisional basis, setting him up as on the path to becoming the man he is meant to be (but not there yet).
Moving on the Into Darkness, the biggest problem for me is Khan and the issues with him having 'magic blood that can bring the dead back to life, and neglecting what could have been an interesting story- namely the Admiral with a secret weapons program who wants to start a war with the Klingons. This should have been the core of the film, with the contrast between the two sides of Starfleet- its 'peacekeeping and exploration' focus versus its role as a milliary organization (which Scotty mentions briefly in the actual movie). This would then give the title a more significant meaning, with Kirk and co uncovering the 'darkness' at the heart of Starfleet.
I'd open the film in a similar but way bur have it revealed that the opening sequence was a test/simulation (calling back to the beginning of the Wrath of Khan), explaining that it was a test on Kirk's suitability for promotion to Captain- which he fails (like in the actual movie) by violating the prime directive to save Spoke. In dialogue with Pike in the bar, we learn that since this previous movie he has earned a permanent promotion to first officer, and is the youngest ever person to take the captain's test. He is still maturing but is still on track as XO of the Enterprise. This fixes the problem with the original film that has him demoted and then promoted again with no consequence.
The plot then kicks off with John Harrison (his actual name, not a pseudonym for Khan) attacking Starfleet then wiping out the assembled captains and XO's in San Franciso, including Pike. This enrages Kirk and he is made acting Captain by Admiral Marcus and sent off after Harrison. They track him down and capture him, and he reveals the reason for his actions: Marcus and a number of senior officers of Starfleet were planning a preemptive attack on the Klingons, and were building a secret fleet of Warships. On discovering this Harrison (who is portrayed as somewhat idealistic) developed his plan to expose this, giving Kirk the co-ordinates of the base where these ships are being built.
Kirk doesn't believe him, but as they are returning to Earth they come across a shuttle near those co-ordinates being attacked by an unknown craft. They intercept and rescue the shuttle, piloted by Chekov. He confirms Harrison's story, having been working with him and had infiltrated the base and obtained evidence of what was happening. Admiral Marcus arrives in his new battleship, further confirming events and revealing that Pike was part of his plan.
He then attacks the Enterprise, damaging it and forcing it to flee. We then have a cat and mouse game in the outer solar system (again shades of TWOK_, until a final confrontation where the Enterprise is reinforced by other Federation ships, Kirk having transmitted his previous discussion with Marcus, calling them to his aide. Harrison dies in this battle, sacrificing himself to save the ship and urging Kirk to believe in the positive side of Starfleet.
The movie ends with Kirk promoted to captain and given the 5-year mission, heading out to unknown space ('Into the Darkness'), chastened but matured by these events and setting up fully the original series cast and setup (Chekov also joining the crew).
Anyways, that's my idea. Any feedback or suggestions gratefully received.
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