Quick links 7

I'm still busy with finalizing my essay (due tomorrow!), so here's this weeks roundup of items that caught my interest but didn't have time to post on separately, with the occasionakl small comment.

Russia 1917, America 2021 

The broken circle

The problem with democracy

Laurence Fox: ‘People need immunity from the virus of wokery’

The Thirty Tyrants (might have posted previously)

The American Cultural Revolution Will Leave Scars

How Mars became the prize for a new space race — and why China is hellbent on winning it


When They Say The Quiet Part Out Loud and by the same author The Navy's Greatest Failure Since Pearl Harbor

Nexit? "Apart from a Protestant culture, they have much else in common with the British: their love of the sea, a sober outlook on life and a commercial disposition. Both are liberal, seafaring and trading nations that once had overseas empires used to striking out on their own.” I'd be glad to see the Dutch strike out on their own alongside us, I've predicted privately for a while that the core EU countries that will end up merging into a federal state will essentially be Charlemagne' old empire (France, Germany, Beglium,  Luxemburg, Austria but minus Swizterland and maybe the Netherlands)

They would much rather have Star Wars dead than lose an inch of ground in the culture war.- The LucasFilm Civil War is Over

Six ways to end Britain’s culture wars I'd disagree with number 4- Reintroduce conscription, at least as a purely military option, although I have had some thoughts on the link between citizenship and service to expand on in the future. 


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