On book plans

 So as I mentioned yesterday I'm working on book ideas- three to be precise.

The first is provisionally titled 5 Years: Misadventures in Teaching and Travel. It will be an account of my past years working and travelling in asi> Ir will be a part travelogue, part autobiography, with cultural insights, tips and humourous annrcdotes. It will also talk about my views on working in teaching both in the UK and abroad, and what (if anything) I've gained from this time.

The second is to be my thoughts on the decline of the West, and how to fix it. Am still thinking of a title but some variation on Death or Rebirth of the West is what I have so far. This will have three parts; each of which will be made up of a 4 10,000 word chapters. Provisional titles are :

Part 1: Causes 





Part 2: Symptoms/Effects





Part 3: Solutions





I'm planning to post parts on this site as they are completed, as well as links to relevant articles and commentary that may for part of it.

This book will focus on philosophy and 'top ed' politics (strategic level). The third book, which will be more on the back burner, will focus more on the practical level and my thoughts on politics and economics. There may be a few posts here that end up in this book roo.

Overall my aim is to try to and write at a pace of a chapter a month, but we will see how much progress I make!


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